The application converts instantly Microsoft PowerPoint presentations to JPEG, JPG, BMP, PNG, PCX, TIFF, EPS, PS files in a direct manner with a single click.
The application inserts itself into Microsoft PowerPoint program and it appears as a new toolbar with the apropriated commnads for converting PPT presentations to image files.
This software allows the user to convert PPT to a desired image file that can be displayed and viewed using almost any imaging program, so the visual information can be distributed to anybody.
High quality and resolution faxes can be created and sent including documents that are easily read on the other end, without any other imaging program.
After the conversion, Microsoft PowerPoint presentations can be displayed on any computer without MS PowerPoint installed.
User runs MS PowerPoint program, opens an original PPT file or document, and then click on the "Save as Image" button in the new toolbar, selects the output image file format and the application will create an image file from the original PowerPoint presentation, preserving the file original layout.